Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to use a plugin for my existing project?

     You can visit the shurjoPay-Plugins github page to get the plugins/modules/SDKs for your web application and choose which plugin you need to integrate with your source code. Each plugin/module/SDK has its corresponding file with integration instructions in it for you to integrate with ShurjoPay. Note that, you can always integrate any of these plugins/modules/SDKs with sandbox.

2. What is the difference between a sandbox and live environment?

     Sandbox is a test environment in which the process of integration remains the same as the live environment but shurjoPay will not deduct any money on checkout from the customers and live environment meaning it will deduct money from customers on checkout. The sandbox API’s are also different from the live APIs.

3. Can I use sandbox generated tokens to do live transactions?

     No. The sandbox generated tokens can be only initiated to do sandbox test transactions. It will not deduct any money from the customer. After getting on-boarded with shurjoPay you will be provided a live username and password, to generate live tokens. Only after generating the live tokens the money will be deducted via shurjoPay payment gateway. If you generate tokens from the sandbox’s “generate token API” and use it on the live environment’s “generate token API” then the transaction will not work.

4. How to generate a token ?

     Each plugin/module/SDKs generates a token for you by default once you set the username and password on the required fields. Note that, if sandbox username and password is provided then it will only generate sandbox tokens and if live username and passwords is being provided then it will generate live tokens. To generate tokens with restful APIs you have to use the “generate token API”. Note that a token will be valid till 15 minutes after it is being generated.

5. How to set up the environment for plugins?

     ShurjoPay has a set of unique and necessary params that are needed to be set in the .env files. If a plugin/module/SDK does not require you to set these unique and confidential params to set into any .env files then it is also recommended to set it in your project’s .env file and then callback it into the necessary fields.

These are the params that are always recommended to set in the .env file:

  • param username: Merchant Username provided by shurjopay.
  • param password Merchant Password provided by shurjopay.
  • param prefix Any string not more than 5 characters. It distinguishes the stores of a merchant.
  • param currency ISO format,(only BDT and USD are allowed).
  • param return_url Merchant should provide a GET Method return url to verify users initiated transaction status.
  • param cancel_url Merchant should provide a cancel url to redirect the user if he/she cancels the transaction midway.

6. How is my customer's data being passed to shurjopay?

     The customer’s details will be passed by you via the checkout option to shurjoPay payment gateway. Every plugin/modules/SDKs are designed with fields that require customer’s details. If you are using the restful APIs then in the “Checkout API” request body the customer details fields have to be filled out by you.

7. How will the customers be redirected to my website once they are done with their payment?

     Once the customer is done with their payment process, they will be automatically redirected to the return_url or cancel_url that has been provided by you.

8. How to design the return page with the customer’s transactional information?

     You can customize the return_url and cancel_url page with the necessary information of the oder_id of an order. It is recommended to customize the return_url and cancel_url by calling the “Verify Order API” if you are integrating shurjoPay with custom APIs.

9. How do I get my live credentials?

     To get your live credentials, you have to contact shurjoPay via our contact medium. You can find more details about it on . Our business team will guide you with the whole “on-boarding” process.

10. How can I add extra fields while checkout?

     The “checkout API” has four additional compulsory fields that can be customized by the merchant’s preference. These four field types are in string.